White Dove Release
White Dove Release
Release Policy

​J & L Wings of White, places the health and safety of our bird's first and foremost. For this reason, we adhere to a humane release policy with strict provisions to protect our birds from dangerous circumstances.​
We check the weather conditions at the event location and at the birds home loft prior to and during your event to make certain our birds will have a safe flight home. If strong winds or any type of inclement weather is expected that could hamper our birds' visibility or homing abilities we reserve the right to cancel a release. These occurrences are considered acts of God and are out of our control. ​
We will not release our birds in weather such as rain, thunderstorms, strong winds, extreme heat, heavy fog or smoke.
We will not release our birds indoors, outdoors under a thick canopy of trees, near power lines, drones flying overhead or in the obvious presence of birds of prey.
Birds will not be released any later than two hours before sunset, or from a distance in which the birds cannot return home prior to sunset.
An experienced coordinator will accompany our birds to each event. ​
​We will ensure that appropriate attire is worn for all events, and that the release coordinator is 100% reliable and on time.
Our goal is to enhance your celebration with a flawless release and to ensure a safe flight home for our birds.